Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Inkpen Summer

I have been home for about 24 hours now and my Summer is just beginning. I have so much I want to share about my first year at ORU, my first missions trip, my ropes experience and everything in between. Not to mention all that my summer will entail. It is still a mystery to me, but I know that God has a plan for the next 2 months of my life. Even if that plan is just for me to write music and work on my book... that is quite alright with me.

 That is why I'm calling this the inkpen summer. It is my time to write. I have had so many experiences this year that I need to write down and so many revelations that I want to share with you. When life is moving at 200 miles per hour its hard to take time to write it all down. So now I have 2 solid months to relax, read and write out all of those locked up thoughts. 

On top of writing the blogs and working on the book I will be working hard to get a few solid songs written for my EP. God is opening the door for me to record an EP next semester and I am very excited about it. I hope to bring glory to His name through my songs and I know that He will give them to me throughout the Summer. 

All that to say although i don't have any big Summer plans I have an exciting Summer ahead of me nonetheless.