Sunday, July 18, 2010

I dont have time!

As of this summer I will have been leading worship and playing in bands for 7 years. Thats a long time when you're only 21 years old. What a blessing... I am so thankful that I have had that opportunity. Anyway the point is that in that time I have learned, sang and played a whole lot of songs. Some that have been nothing more than I good song to stick in the set, others that have impacted me greatly. All that to say over the years I've gotten into a habit of learning songs quickly and just ignoring what I'm saying. Sure I could tell you the lyrics and the point of the song, but every once in a while some of the words will just pass by without me ever thinking about what its really saying. I'm sure any of you that have ever led worship will know what I mean.

This morning we were playing 'How He Loves' at church and a line jumped out at me. I've led that song a whole lot, the band has played it on sundays nearly once a month since last semester and I couldn't begin to guess how many times I've listened to it, but today... something was different.

Today we were in the song and the spirit was really moving in our church. It was awesome to see everyone worshipping and really grasping God's love for them. When we got to the second verse the line I don't have time to maintain these regrets really stuck out to me. Moments later Pastor Jamie got up on stage and pointed out that same line.

How awesome is that!? We literally do not have time to worry about the past or our mistakes. God's Word says that He forgives us and "remembers our sins no more."(Hebrews 10:17) The Word also says that true love "keeps no record of wrongs." (1 Cor. 13:5)

God has forgiven and forgotten... shouldn't we? I shared with a friend after church about how that line spoke to me today and she said something that really impacted me. She said that that line is why she loves that song so much and then she said, "Such a beautiful thing that God has so much in store for us that we can't even dwell on our mistakes, because if we do we waste His time."

Wow! We can waste God's time...? You're telling me that the God who has been here forever... and will be here forever can have His time wasted?


God has a plan for us every moment of every day and with every decision we're either following that or we aren't. This in itself may cause us to regret and think about what we have missed the times that we ignored God's plan for us. We shouldn't use that as a reason to be down on ourselves, but as a catalyst to seek God even more in every moment.

God's plan used to be some huge overarching destination for my future. I always prayed as if one day I would learn that plan and His plan was all about the big things in my life. Sure God cares about my college, my job, my spouse, my ministry... etc. but I never really noticed how much God cares about the day to day. Psalm 37:23 says that "He delights in every detail of their lives."

See that? EVERY DETAIL. So why worry about the past and your pile of regrets and poor decisions when God has a plan for every single thing that is ahead of you?

I don't have time to maintain these regrets... when I think about the way He loves me.

God has moved on... shouldn't you?

He's got something new and exciting for you... Go find out what it is...

1 comment:

Roy Johnson said...

I feel like its really easy for us to overthink our relationship with Christ. We get so concerned with we haven't done, or what we're supposed to do that we lose focus on what Christ has done and what He will do in our life. If we have a constant desire to stay within His will for our life and we pray in that direction it is my experience God doesn't let us stray too far. If we can learn to relax and rest in His presence a little more instead of worrying so much about where we messed up we would be much better off. His love is so powerful and overwhelming that if we allow it to, it will take away all the shame and regret. Nothing compares to His love. Nothing.