Do not automatically assume that this is an entire blog talking about how pretty my girlfriend is. That will be mentioned, but if you are reading this and you already know know that I have a deeper reason for writing anything I write.
* I now return you to your regularly scheduled weblog*
What is beauty? What a great question. Everyone has their own definition of what they find to be beautiful, but there must be a general definition of that characteristic that has so much power to control a person’s heart, mind, and emotions. describes beauty as:
the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).
Well that sure is a mouthful eh? So basically the general definition of beauty states that beauty is merely a quality and that that one thing, whatever it may be that appeals to you, is the quality that can make someone or something be considered beautiful in your mind. Hmm.. I find that quite interesting considering that it differs slightly from my personal view of the subject. Now Im not saying that my view is the right one, but you're reading my just listen k?
I see beauty as something that is all encompassing in a person or thing. Destiny (my girlfriend...the chick in the purple dress) is a beautiful person ( don't act like you didn't see that coming). Even tho she has beautiful qualities it is not merely her pretty face or smile that make her beautiful to me. It’s her heart and spirit combined with the outward appearance that turn her from a person that has beautiful characteristics to a person who is beautiful. I also believe that the old saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is a very true statement. Something inside of your being experiences a connection with some person or thing that causes you to find it beautiful. I know that not everyone in the world will find my girlfriend beautiful in the way that I do and that makes perfect sense. God placed that eye for beauty inside of me knowing that it would only find the beauty in her. Okay... i know this has become mushy and confusing, but hang with me for a sec... actually I want you to take a break from my ramblings and listen to this song:
Jeremy Camp: Beautiful One
You can listen to it on my old blogsite:
I hope you enjoyed the song. It is one of my favorites. Now you’re probably wondering why I went from rambling on about beauty to making you listen to a love song to Jesus. The answer to that is simple. I had you listen to that because Jesus is beautiful. Okay so why would anyone find a rough jewish crucified carpenter beautiful? Because God created beauty and he put that desire inside of us and the most beautiful thing he did was send his son to die. I said earlier that God puts an eye for beauty inside of us that only attracts us to certain things. Well were all created to find Him and His Presence beautiful. Did you ever wonder why you got a peaceful, joyful feeling ing in your stomach every time you saw that special person or every time you went to the beach to watch a sunrise? You got that feeling because God designed beauty and he wants us to feel good about his creation. Think of your significant other or a person that you would honestly call beautiful. Now think of that person as a work of art. Tacky I know but stick with me. God created them... and the bible said that we are created in his image. So, if he has the ability to create something that beautiful then he himself must be far more beautiful than we can ever imagine.
This principal can be very good for relationships. It is good to love someone because of God, not love God because of someone else. Be thankful for that person being put in your life, but never base your relationship with God solely on that. Love them for the beauty inside of them, knowing that God himself put it there. I know that this is a little lovey dovey and all, but it really is a principal for life. You will respect yourself, God , and other people so much more when learn to value where their beauty came from. God is beautiful and wonderful and he loves you. If you ever feel like you aren’t beautiful or you find yourself getting away from God because you are ore focused on a relationship..simply look to the beautiful one that created you and put that person in your life. Do not lose sight of the fact that you should love the beautiful things because of the creator. Not the other way around.