An Electrified Life is a simple reflection of how I live my life in Christ as well as my every day existence. Just as before, this blog will contain my ramblings both theological and personal, movie/music/whatever reviews and any thing else i feel like posting. I hope that you enjoy... and possibly learn something. Just try not to get shocked... on second thought... high voltage might do your life some good.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Body
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I normally make a feeble attempt at witty titles for these things, but with this one... not much else can be said. Today I was in the car and a random memory popped into my head. You know... like when you're driving and you see a place or hear something and it is a trigger that sets off an explosion of memories. It is as if your past was bottled up somewhere in your mind just waiting to infect your consciousness Anyway... something like that happened today and I thought for a moment... wouldn't it be great if life had an eraser? Not necessarily a do-over, just an eraser. Life would go on as it is, but your past never happened. It has no way of creeping up on you and making you feel all of the negative emotions that comes with it. It just doesn't exist. I then thought about how this would be nice, but it is not the case.