In the weeks to come my pastor took us through a series covering 'Kings'. It was a powerful series and encouraged me even more in my study of King David. Then before leaving for Christmas break my pastor a book to read that he took much of his inspiration for that message series. The book tells the story of David's brokenness. I have not finished the book yet, but from what I have read I have begun to think even more into this concept of brokenness.
Tonight while reading the book one thought came to me.
Only when we are broken can the true spirit flow into and out of the cracks.
Nothing can be put into or pulled out of our hearts without a crack.
Cracks hurt don't they? Especially in the heart. A heart crack can come at the worst time and usually does. Once cracked we are given a choice.
What comes out and what flows in?
David was a broken and humbled man forced to a life of fleeing to pits and caves for many years. It was in that brokenness that he cried out to God many of the beautiful songs we find in the book of Psalms. David allowed his pride and selfish ambition to be pulled out and God's peace and spirit to flow in through the cracks.
We are given a choice. I will talk later about how at times we can choose brokenness, but it is when can't choose it... when we are cracked by outside circumstances that we are given that most important choice.
What flows through the cracks?
Do we embrace the brokenness like David and allow ourself to flow out of the cracks and more of God to flow in? Or do we push out truth and God's spirit and allow ourselves to be filled with bitterness and hate?
Cracks are revealing.
Lord knows we hate that. We don't like people to see the cracks and certainly not what is just beyond them... We like to hide our hearts and the darkness hiding behind the cracks. But maybe a good crack is a chance for someone to get in and help us to fix the inside.
Cracks are good and necessary.
Its not normal to embrace pain. No one likes being hurt and broken, but it is the best thing that could happen to you. David became the great king that he was through embracing the cracks.
Now is the chance to choose to be cracked.
Mark 8:34 "...if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me"
The cross is the greatest symbol of brokenness that the world has ever seen. Christ chose a horrible beating and an unimaginably painful death over a throne and glory so that we could be saved and through that an even greater glory came for Him. Because He could now share in it with us.
Our greatest glories will come in after the cracks.
We can achieve a lot on our own, but not nearly as much as we can through God and nothing we do on our own is lasting or anything of worth.
Choosing brokenness is not choosing pain or to run into the wilderness like David, but choosing to deny ourself and accept a broken life. This is a great and difficult act of humility, but as with every other topic I bring to you... there is freedom in knowing its not about you (or me). Once we make it past the initial pain and sense of vulnerability God can start to move into the cracks.
If we are already cracked and broken before the throne life's cracks aren't nearly as painful and life-shattering.
Cracks will come. Let God fill them and let yourself flow out.
Embrace the cracks.