An Electrified Life is a simple reflection of how I live my life in Christ as well as my every day existence. Just as before, this blog will contain my ramblings both theological and personal, movie/music/whatever reviews and any thing else i feel like posting. I hope that you enjoy... and possibly learn something. Just try not to get shocked... on second thought... high voltage might do your life some good.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Embracing the Cracks.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Identity Crisis
Jeremiah 29:11
“ ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Hello my name is Brandon... and I am a love addict

Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Body
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I normally make a feeble attempt at witty titles for these things, but with this one... not much else can be said. Today I was in the car and a random memory popped into my head. You know... like when you're driving and you see a place or hear something and it is a trigger that sets off an explosion of memories. It is as if your past was bottled up somewhere in your mind just waiting to infect your consciousness Anyway... something like that happened today and I thought for a moment... wouldn't it be great if life had an eraser? Not necessarily a do-over, just an eraser. Life would go on as it is, but your past never happened. It has no way of creeping up on you and making you feel all of the negative emotions that comes with it. It just doesn't exist. I then thought about how this would be nice, but it is not the case.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Inkpen Summer
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Worship Fast
Monday, March 16, 2009
Lovequest: Intro
I now stand facing my 20th birthday with less than a month left to call myself a teenager. I am a college student and while it feels like a great portion of my life is behind me I am aware that this first quarter of my life has been a great time of development. Many people would not consider this to be an ideal time to begin work on the daunting task of a book, but I find the timing to be perfect. This book is all about searching for God and more specifically about searching for love. What better time for me to write about this search than when I am actually in it. I have not found what love is completely, nor have I stopped searching for God even a decade into Christianity. I am fully aware that this search is one that will last my entire lifetime, so essentially this book in your hands should never have been published, but I am trusting God for a release to stop writing at some point in my search in order to help others get to that point. I cannot say when I will reach that point. It may take until my next year of school, my first year of marriage, my 10th year of ministry or some other milestone, but I do plan on giving you a timeframe throughout this book. I want you to be able to fully experience this quest in the way that I do. If at some point in my quest I have a change of opinion I will not go back and edit out my previous thoughts. I will just add a chapter with my new ones. I understand that this is unorthodox and frankly quite confusing, but that is part of the quest. To fully learn and grow in love the way that I am going to you have to be willing to change your opinions even after you think you are fully established in your thoughts. The first group of chapters is full of my previous changes of opinion. My belief in the one true God of love has never changed, but subsequent beliefs have not always been so definite and you will discover that about me very quickly. By the time you finish reading this book I pray that you will have an idea of what my heart looks like. Through that I hope that you will be able to more greatly discover your own. I should warn you right from the start that the image you will see is not always a pretty one. The heart that you are about to study is one full of scars and broken ties, but never forget that it is covered in the blood of Christ and to see it for all that it is you have to look into Christ first. Please press on and keep reading through the tough parts. You would have a very distorted view of love if you stop reading this book halfway through one of the many stories that are about to unfold. Our quest will be one that is not always easy, sometimes scary, full of vulnerability, eye opening and one that leads straight to the cross and the epitome of love. I genuinely appreciate you for reading this far and I hope that you will join me on my quest for love…
Well that's it. That is what I will be focusing on during the rest of this year and the rest of my life for that matter. God needs to show me what love is and I cannot wait to figure that out. God is always amazing me with His love. I keep seeing how much more chill it is than I ever knew. God smiles a lot. In the month that I have been looking at the subject of love I have seen it more places than I ever have before. there is so much love out there. We just have to choose to receive it. I've been waiting all week to hear from God about some stuff and in His usual loving nature He decided to show what I needed to see in the most unlikely of places. I'm sitting in an airport thinking about the love of Christ. His love is amazing. The Lovequest will continue and I have much more to share, I just wanted to give you a basic idea of what I was doing.
God Bless You
I love you